D-COAX, INC. • 8201 Jade Tree Ln.
Knoxville, TN 37938 USA
Ph: 503-550-9434 • info@d-coax.com
When setting up Probes and a test system, it can be the case that the Device Under Test could have un-level pads. (Non-planar.) The fastest way to compensate for non-level pads is to compensate the Probe planarity. An area of the device that has metalization and is not important is best for the following procedure. Each step will require the probe to be safely raised before the next step. The probe must slowly be brought into light contact with the metalization without exceeding the deflection (over-travel) recommended by the Probe manufacturer. The Probe can then be slowly dragged backward 0.002 inch to 0.005 inch. This will leave Probe tip mark on the metalization. The probe that has no marks is too high. The other side of the Probe must be propped up with thin layers of metal (shim) to make the probe more planar with the device.